CT Parrot Rescue App

Adopt. Don’t Shop.

Discover adoptable parrots from the parrot rescue, submit an adoption application & learn more about parrot care

CT Parrot Rescue App Home Screen


In a world where cats and dogs are the main categories in most adoption platforms, birds have been one of the least represented. Local parrot rescues across the U.S. are struggling to match surrendered parrots with appropriate permanent owners due to lack of resources, representation and visibility in a market which favors the commercial pet trade.

*This is an unsolicited project, an envisioning of a new product. I acknowledge that the views expressed in the case study are strictly my own and I am in no way affiliated with CT Parrot Rescue.

macaw in cage

Project Overview


Local Parrot Rescues such as CT Parrot Rescue struggle to match a parrot to the proper adoption candidate, which increases the risk of surrendering the parrot back to the rescue. This negatively impacts the adopter and the parrot.

  • How might we spotlight CT Parrot Rescue as a viable option for future parrot owners?
  • How might we present the rescue's parrots in a way that is open and transparent to adoption candidates to prevent surrenders?
  • How might we present the parrot rescue as a resource for parrot care?


  • Limited Resources and rescue is volunteer-run
  • Very little online presence other than social media
  • Competition from for-profit organizations
  • Competing with misleading and conflicting information about parrot care
Blue and Gold Macaw Illustration


By creating an app for the CT Parrot Rescue for Connecticut-based parrot adoption candidates that we will help to reduce the manual steps associated with adopting a parrot and therefore increase the likelihood of making the right connection between the adopter and the parrot.

Outcome & Impact

Through research screening it was uncovered that due to 76% of parrot owners have adopted before and only 13.9% have used rescues, there is a gap in the adoption market for parrot rescues.

Insights from user interviews have concluded the need for parrot rescues to be transparent about their parrots' history and informative about the adotpion process and post-adoption parrot care. In turn, parrot rescues need an established connection with an adoption candidate for their parrots through their vetting process.

Finally, as a result of the usability testing of my low-fidelity protoype, I was able to identify the most relevant information needed for each parrot profile, fine tune the adoption application process that would satisfy the needs for the adoption candidates and parrot rescue, and create a system to communicate ongoing application statuses between candidate and rescue.

My Role

UX Researcher, Data Analyst, UX Designer, Interaction Designer, and Usability Testing Facilitator


  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Zoom
  • Google Forms


View adoptable parrots from the rescue and their full profile

View adoptable parrots from the rescue and their full profile.

Submit an adoption application for a parrot

Submit an adoption application for a parrot.

Learn more about the rescue and parrot care

Learn more about the rescue and parrot care.

Final Prototype

Want to test out the prototype yourself?

High-Fidelity Prototype

Direct and Indirect Competitor Analysis

Competitor Advantages


Monetary and resource advantage (pet Stores and larger adoption companies)

Mobile Device

Websites and apps contain robust features such as profile creation and filtering

Competitor Disadvantages

Pet Paws

Most adoption apps favor presenting dogs and cats, leaving few resources for bird categories


Parrots presented as products by showing stock photos of parrot species; leading to an impersonalized experience (pet stores)

Envisioning Our Users

It was time to screen potential candidates for our user interviews to validate our problem statement and envisioned target user persona by utilizing a user survey.


have adopted an animal before


have intermediate experience with parrots

Only 13.9%

of parrot owners have adopted from a rescue

As a result a gap was revealed in the market for parrot rescues as experienced parrot owners are mostly leveraging pet stores and breeders over parrot rescues.

Meet the Parrot Adoption Candidate

Rosalie profile

Upon narrowing down the target users I concluded that the end user's, needs and pain-points would align with the needs of CT Parrot Rescue — Users familiar with parrots will want to adopt with confidence from the rescue as their prior experience will help make a proper connection with the adopted parrot.

Map of Connecticut showing location of Rosalie and CT Parrot Rescue

Lives within a 2-hour mile-radius as the parrot rescue.

Transparency of parrot rescue organizations

Wants to adopt from a trustworthy and transparent organization.

Frustrated parrot candidate surrounded by conflicting sources of parrot care

Frustrated by conflicting parrot care information from various companies.

End User Alignment and Insights

When developing my research plan in order to validate the users for the parrot adoption app, my goals were focused on empathizing with the welfare of the adoptive parrot as well as the needs of our key users as adoptive candidates.

Questions to ask interviewers who have owned parrots before to get a deeper dive into their own experiences and pain points:

What were our users' prior parrot adoption/purchase experiences?

What factors do our users' look for in a parrot for adoption and an organization that provides parrot adoption?

I uncovered surprising insights; particularly the pain points revolving around the user's prior adoption/purchase experience and limited resources for parrot care and parrot adoption.

Zeke was from horrendous living conditions, feathers all plucked from self-mutilation, 1 toy on a string in the too small cage.

There isn’t enough known about having parrots as pets currently and I wish there were more resources out there.

I never knew there were places to adopt a parrot before. I used Google for resources after purchasing my parrots.

App MVP Ideation

When prioritizing and aligning user insights, I quickly realized the amount of high impact/low effort solutions that can be created.

Expectaions about parrot rescues and Parrot Ownership

"I never new there were places to adopt a parrot before"

Some parrots are mistreated and their health history isn't disclosed

Will the parrot align with the new environment?

Expectations of the Adoption Process

"I would need to know what is required and expected during the adoption process."

"Will an adoption fee be involved and do I need to purchase food, cages?"

Does the rescue have the parrots' best interests and try to prevent them from being returned after being adopted?

ideation goals that mutually align with the parrot rescue and adoption candidates

  1. Interconnection
    Establish a connection with the adoption candidate and a parrot through the app’s form vetting process and parrot resources
  2. Transparency
    Meets users' expectations by providing parrot information disclosure as well as communication efforts from app about adoption application status
  3. Informative
    Provide diverse educational content about parrots and parrot care which can help remove worry for parrot owners

User Flows

The sitemap below helps guide the user flows during the ideation phase.

The user flows are based on common tasks the adoption candidate would do in the app.

Flow 1


Flow 2

Discovery & Adoption Process

Flow 3

Adoption Follow-up after Approved Application

Low-Fidelity Iteration

After several quick sketches with my favorite tools, pen and paper, I was able to get a sense of the visual hierarchy and information architecture. From this process I learned to quickly prototype my ideas and leave the UI refinement to the later stages.

Low Fidelity Sketches of App MVP

I then moved onto Figma and applied best design practices to prepare my sketches for the low-fidelity prototype while solidifying decisions for UI components.

Low Fidelity Prototype of App MVP

High-Fidelity Iteration Style Guide

Style Guide
Style Guide

Usability Testing and Solution Validation

Usability Testing Sessions solidified app user flow and introduced potential improvements and features for the first iteration of the MVP.

By synthesizing the collective results, I prioritized which enhancements to take on for the 2nd iteration.

V2 Adoptable Parrot Listings

Additional details were added under each adoptable parrot listing after users confirmed the most relevant information needed before opening a parrot profile (name, sex, age, adoption fee).

Sort/Filter functionality was added after usability testing verified the need to sort through factors such as parrot species, age, and adoption fee.

Listing of available parrots in app
Parrot profile of Jerry the cockatiel

V2 Adoptable Parrot Profile

Based on insights from user interviews, the parrot profile contains the full history disclosure including approximate age, medical information, previous owners, adoption fee.

Categorization of history broken up into collapsible accordion to provide users with the choice to view relevant information.

The View FAQ button was added for users to learn more about parrot species and parrot care before proceeding with adoption process.

V2 Adoption Application Process

Softened language of pre-application requirements due to user feedback on harshness of tone.

Adoption Application Step 1

Added confirmation checkbox after the adoption candidate reviews the parrot rescue adoption requirements.

Adoption Application Step 2

Addition of progress indicator to increase user reassurance and provide input feedback.

Adoption Application Step 3 with applicatopmn form

Key Takeaways and Final Thoughts

Indian Ringneck Illustration

Throughout the entire journey from problem to ideation, I discovered that there is still much value to be drawn from the untapped resources of parrot rescues today. Most of the interviewed users were unaware of utilizing local parrot rescues as another avenue for parrot adoption and a resource for learning more about proper parrot care. This market can progressively be nurtured once given the necessary funding and opportunities to be more present in the digital space in order to compete with larger for-profit companies.

Future Opportunities

Throughout the research process, surprising new opportunities based on users' feedback and insights presented themselves.

  • Creation of a parrot rescue directory product as interviewed parrot owners expressed interest in traveling outside their state to adopt from rescues
  • Expanding services in the app to include multiple rescues, including a location filter
  • Introducing funding for the app such as affiliations due to limited funding for parrot rescues
  • Addition of a parrot-specialized avian veterinary directory to the app as another parrot care resource for parrot owners

What I Learned from this Experience

By eliminating my own personal biases as a parrot owner, I was able to empathize with other parrot owners in order to understand their needs and painpoints of adoption while working in parallel with the needs of the rescue to produce the MVP.

I also discovered ways of streamlining notes and synthesized data during the discovery phase of the project throught maintaining a file system and templating my own research outline and interview/usability test documents.

While working on the app prototypes, I continued to refine the UI in Figma and gained an increased understanding of maintaining a design system.