Game Collector App

From retro classics to modern hits, track your growing game collection.

Hand holding AR app interacting with Mona Lisa Painting

Currently a work in progress...


As me and my husband were selling a few of our NES and SNES games at a tag sale, we were approached by a woman who was thrilled to treasure hunt for NES games to add to her collection. As she held the Popeye and Gilligan's Island games, she struggled to remember what games she already owned at home. This is what sparked my motivation to delve deeper into how to address this common issue with game collectors.

There has been a significant rise in retro video game collecting over the most recent years, especially during the most recent pandemic in the US. With video games ranging from physical copies to digital, it is often hard to find ways to keep track of personal collections accumulated over time.

I am creating an app to help collectors keep track of their eclectic game collections in various forms and be informed of their games’ values as they fluctuate in the market.

Stacks of retro games in a room

Game On!

Level 1: Setting the Research in Motion

Goals of my current research plan focused on the reasons game collectors have a collection and the tools they use to track, maintain, and add to their collection.